讲到生意买卖,奥克兰的华人朋友许多都知道“ 伍勇”, 将近20年从事生意买卖行业的经验,秉着“专业,诚信,负责”的态度,不单是从业最久的,也是最为大家认可的生意买卖华人经纪人,“买卖生意找阿勇”早已经成为众多买家卖家的方向。各大中文报纸的“伍勇讲生意”专栏是许多华人朋友了解,经营生意的的平台。在过去服务的公司里,获得六年销售冠军,并且当选为2011年新西兰华人经济人物。伍勇先生也以LINK全国2017年销售第一名的成绩获得新西兰房地产协会生意销售2017年前三强。
Yong has a background as a medical doctor and has practised for some years in hospitals in China. He immigrated to NZ in 1990 and since then he has owned and operated many businesses, including a takeaway, café, restaurant and supermarket.
He has had many year’s experience in New Zealand as an award winning business broker and brings a strong business broking background to lead the LINK North Shore team. His success is built on relationships based on outstanding ethics, great communication skills and aiming to exceed the client’s expectations.
He has been recognised by winning many business awards and previously has hosted a regular programme on Chinese radio and written many articles for Chinese publications. He is involved in the Chinese Community and is keen to build relationships in the North Shore community.
Yong enjoys working with a variety of people and helping others to achieve their own goals and make their dreams a reality. He is very experienced and knowledgeable about the business buying and selling process and is happy to assist you in the process from “start to completion”. Yong is also fluent in Mandarin and Cantonese.