Gigi Li

PA to Yong Wu

Phone: +64 9 930 0200

Office: Auckland – North Shore

I graduated from Beijing Dance Academy and Beijing Sports University, currently in Auckland studying for a Master’s degree in business.

I am the champion of the 2017 Miss Chinese Beauty Pageant (New Zealand).

I am fluent speaking and writing are both in Chinese and English, also can understand most of Cantonese.

As one of the members in LINK North Shore Office, I will use my best knowledge to help the business sale through our office.

New Zealand is 5(4) hours ahead of China, but it does not mean that China is slow. Both us all working based on our own “Time Zone”.

So, enjoy your life and have awesome every day!

Gigi Li (李美琪)来自吉林,目前正在奥克兰攻读硕士学位。


作为Link North Shore 的一员,我将以专业的能力紧密配合经理的的工作,用积极的工作态度帮助每位顾客达到他们的需求。